Saturday, September 15, 2012

2755.3 mile goal!

I have decided on a route.  My virtual trip will take me from New York city to San Diego.  According to my best friend, Google, that's 2755.3 miles. I know what you are thinking...."That's the route a car would take".  Hey, its my personal challenge, my blog, and I make up the rules.  This is after all a "Virtual" bike ride.

Let's do the math.

2755.3 is:

~ 230 miles a month
~ 53 miles a week
~ 7.5 mile a day

Do I have it in me?  Time will tell.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

1st post

In 2013 I have set a goal for myself to accumulate enough miles riding my bike, trainer, and in spin class to equal or the exceed a trip across america.

Over the next few months I will pick a route, and a good way to accurately track my progress.  I will also be playing with the web site.

This will be a space where I can track my progress, and talk about what I am experiencing and how I feel as time goes on and I ride more miles.

I may post daily, weekly, or monthly.